
@accepts(RB.RhythmDBEntry, guint, GObject.Value)
def entry_set(entry, propid, value)

This function can be called by any code which wishes to change a song property and send a notification. It may be called when the database is read-only; in this case the change will be queued for an unspecified time in the future. The implication of this is that rhythmdb_entry_get() may not reflect the changes immediately. However, if this property is exposed in the user interface, you should still make the change in the widget. Then when the database returns to a writable state, your change will take effect in the database too, and a notification will be sent at that point.

Note that you must call rhythmdb_commit() at some point after invoking this function, and that even after the commit, your change may not have taken effect.

entry :

a RB.RhythmDBEntry.

propid :

the id of the property to set.

value :

the property value.