Numbers of the Beast

665 & 667              -Across the Street from the Beast

66.6                   -The Beast playing his LP's at double speed

696                    -The Beast doing a somersault

666-1984               -Big Brother Beast's Phone Number

333                    -Number of The Beast's Half Brother

^^^                    -The Beast with his "Caps Lock" On

DCLXVI                 -The Beast in Rome

555-0666               -The Beast's phone number in a Hollywood film.

999                    -The Beast hanging upside down.

$665.95                -Retail price of the Beast

$699.25                -Price of the Beast plus 5% sales tax

$769.95                -Price of the Beast with all accessories and 
                           replacement soul

$656.66                -Walmart price of the Beast

6, uh... what was 
that number again?     -Number of the Blonde Beast 

00666                  -Zip code of the Beast

1-900-666-0666         -Live Beasts!  One-on-one pacts!  Call Now!
                           Only $6.66/minute.  Over 18 only please.

Route 666              -Highway of the Beast

666 F                  -Oven temperature for roast Beast

666k                   -Retirement plan of the Beast

6.66 %                 -5 year CD interest rate at First Beast National 
                           Bank, $666 minimum deposit.

i66686                 -CPU of the Beast

666i                   -BMW of the Beast

DSM-666                -Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the Beast

668                    -Next-door neighbor of the Beast

"666 Bottles of 
Beer on the wall..."   -Song of the Beast

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